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QAAA/USDT 16:00 UCT 14/02/2024
AssetBench / Qommodity Backoffice


Qommodity is currently in a dispute with Micha Ungar and Red6 GmbH, who in collaboration are responsible for AssetBench and the Qommodity Backoffice. Currently there is no access to the Qommodity Backoffice and Qommodity is working towards a solution based upon market standards and established parties. 

We are currently receiving a lot of messages about the fact that people cannot access the wallet and that the wallet would be gone. This is not the case. The administrator of the back office has denied access due to a financial dispute. That doesn't mean the wallets are gone. As the administrator of the back office, Red6 GmbH has obligations regarding the storage of the data, and therefore the data of the wallets and the transactions.

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