News Bulletin - 14 February 2024
Feb 14, 2024
News Bulletin - 14 February 2024
R. Schumer related transactions
As Qommodity indicated last week, we are currently investigating all the transactions that Schumer has made over the last year(s). We would like to keep you informed of the status of this investigation.
First of all, we would like to stress once again that we were not aware of the majority of these transactions and where we received information from Schumer, it turned out to be incorrect. We receive calls every day from people who have bought tokens of which we had no knowledge of, neither financially nor administratively. That is why we are working on a major inventory.
Apart from all internal sources of information, we want to use social media and all kinds of reporting to map out how many tokens have been sold, what the conditions of the sale were and to whom the payments were made. In addition, we have now also discovered that a number of buyers have received money back. We would also like to know this.
We would like to know:
• How many tokens you've purchased.
• How much you paid for this, in crypto or with money.
• When the transaction(s) took place.
• To which bank account (name, number) you transferred the money when it comes to money, and to which wallet address when it comes to crypto.
• Whether you have received money- or crypto back, either directly from Schumer or through a third party transaction facilitated by Schumer.
• All accompanying documentation (bank statements, whatsapp communication, emails, contracts, etc.)
You can send this information in an e-mail to schumer.fraude@qommodity.io
The inventory will close on July 1, 2024. Anyone who reports after this can no longer participate in the solution that we will design on the basis of the inventoried information. The starting point
for the solution is that no one suffers financial damage as a result of the transaction itself instigated by Schumer. Of course, this depends on the degree of reasonableness in which we work together on the solution and the extent of the fraud.
Please spread this message to as many interested parties as possible so that we can finally fully understand the damage caused by Schumer.
We are currently receiving a lot of messages about the fact that people cannot access the wallet and that the wallet would be gone. This is not the case. As indicated in a previous newsletter, the administrator of the back office (Red6) has denied access due to a financial dispute. That doesn't mean the wallets are gone. As the administrator of the back office, Red6 has obligations regarding the storage of the data, and therefore the data of the wallets and the transactions.