Edward Meijers
Dec 29, 2022
Fellow appreciated Qommoditarians,
The year’s end is already in sight. After our introduction in March this year in Dubai we have already made big steps forward in the challenging environment of the financial - and crypto domain, with its rapidly changing circumstances.
The technological development is ragingly fast, but that also goes for legislative development, regional development like Dubai where it's applicable to financial legislative changes, regulatory bodies, and also, last but not least, the impact on the markets like the FTX scandal that puts people back on their toes.
All these rapidly changing events make it sometimes extremely challenging to move forward, according to the vision we have laid down for Qommodity. We must be very flexible in our solutions and adjustments in order to move forward for the benefit of all our stakeholders and investors. This sometimes means we take three steps forward and two steps back and it’s not the first time we had to go back to the drawing board to find another solution for the challenge that emerged on our path.
It takes a lot of resilience from everyone involved, the team, the people we work with, and the community who have expectations for a certain period of time. We understand all that, but there is no other way than to get over the frustrations and disappointments in order to move forward. We can guarantee you that we are working relentlessly every single day to get Qommodity where we see it, and nothing will stop us from reaching our goal.
Despite all our tremendous efforts, there is a small group of people whom we just can't seem to satisfy no matter what we do. According to them, nothing is going fast enough, we’re not growing strong enough, we're not communicating enough, etc. We’re giving our maximum effort, to create something of value that takes time. The time we will deliver something extraordinary.
Everything that you give attention to grows and eventually flourishes. That goes for everything in life. That's why we choose not to give these negative influences a platform, although we know they're there. Negativity doesn't serve any purpose and it doesn't help goals to get reached. Positivity on the other hand combines people and opportunities, they are the ones that create new perspectives and set and reach goals.
As repeatedly stated, we're a real company. The business people amongst us know how challenging it is to grow a company under relatively “normal” circumstances. At this moment there is almost nothing normal anymore when you look around the world, including the rapidly changing monetary markets, the geopolitical landscape, and the extremely fast-changing circumstances of the industry we're in. You might be able to imagine what's keeping us busy on a daily basis.
Qommodity is moving forward in a strong way. There are many people asking us about the ISIN number. We had our launching event of the QAAA in Vienna, where Edward and a few of our close and respected partners explained the way one has to take when it comes to a regulated financial instrument for the traditional institutional financial domain. In Vienna, we gave an outlook on the publication of the ISIN number and the publication of the financial instrument on the third market of the Vienna Stock Exchange.
On the 11th of November 2022 FTX filed for a Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the United States. On the 28th of November we had our presentation in Vienna regarding the ISIN number publication. This presentation had been planned months ago, due to all the invites, the venue, and the people that were to attend it.
Nobody could have imagined that FTX, valued at 32 billion USD, would degrade to zero in just a few days. Without any doubt, that has shocked people, not only in the crypto industry but also in the traditional financial industry everyone was immediately on their toes. When you want to get where Qommodity wants to get as a company you don’t need or want this kind of “surprises'’.
Despite all of this, we’re still going strong. Yes, it will take a bit more time, it is what it is. Let’s say that Dubai also wasn’t built in a few days and BTC also took a decade to get to serious development.
The outlooks as have been presented in the white paper are still unchanged, our objectives are still unchanged, and we will get everything done. That’s not a wish, but a promise. In the meantime, Qommodity is getting serious attention from large market players who recognize what we’re doing. Larry Fink of BlackRock portrayed the financial future, where he stated that the Tokenization of Securities will be the leading development. When you consider that this is exactly what Qommodity is doing, combined with bridging the gap between crypto and the traditional institutional financial domain, based upon real commodity assets, then those who truly understand where we are heading can understand the value of our efforts.
In 2022 the asset value behind Qommodity has expanded exponentially. We went from one exploration block to four exploration blocks in Area 1. While the resources behind the QAAA in December 2021 were valued at 5 billion USD, this has been expanded over 2022 to 15.8 billion as of December 2022. The expansion of the asset value, the number of explorable assets and the spread in our geographical portfolio for 2023 are all going according to our vision and plans. We aim for a significant expansion of our geology teams and parallel exploration activities simultaneously in two countries.
This coming year will be nothing but development and progress. We push for a single-market approach, meaning we aim for everyone to be able to trade their QAAAs in the open markets. We want people to be able to obtain their ISIN and exchange it against QAAA and vice versa. We are seeking solid listings on a limited number of solid and reputable exchanges. We will have the Qommodity Blockchain as a hard fork of the Sourceless blockchain. We will introduce our own banking platform with fiat accounts, crypto accounts, and a card program. We can’t assure you exactly when everything will be operational, but we promise to give you our best estimates and update our community as efficiently as we can.
We truly want to express our appreciation to all those Qommoditarians who go through all our developments with us, those who stay positive, who are supporting us and are bound to this movement that Qommodity is building. We promise you that 2023 will be a dynamic year with a lot of developments and accomplishments. We are happy and proud that you belong to us and carry us with your high spirits and optimism.
We wish you a wonderful New Year. May life serve you with abundance, good health, good fortune, and, above all, love.
With respect and the kindest greetings,
On behalf of all our key team members:
Rutger, Micha, Henri, Jacob, Alfred, Alain, Alex, Alexandru “Brains”, Gabriel, Oleksandr, Abdul, Stanley, George, Sandor, Mike, Luka, Joseph
Team Sierra Leone, Team Ukraine, Team Curacao, Team Switzerland, Team Austria, Team Bolivia, Team Botswana, Team Romania Blockchain, Team Romania Marketing
Edward Meijers